Friday, November 30, 2012

Lie#1 Roe vs Wade

We are all familiar with the Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court on the issue of abortion. Decided simultaneously with a companion case, Doe v. Bolton, the Court ruled 7-2 that a right to privacy under the due process clause of the 14th Amendment extended to a woman's decision to have an abortion, but that right must be balanced against the state's two legitimate interests in regulating abortions: protecting prenatal life and protecting women's health.

It's all a lie...

Because of the court ruling abortion became legal. Jane Roe speaks in The Norma McCorvey Story. These are her own words. I pulled it right from the source.

In June 1969, Norma L. McCorvey discovered she was pregnant with her third child. She returned to Dallas, Texas, where friends advised her to assert falsely that she had been raped in order to obtain a legal abortion (with the understanding that Texas law allowed abortion in cases of rape and incest). However, this scheme failed because there was no police report documenting the alleged rape. She attempted to obtain an illegal abortion, but found the unauthorized site had been closed down by the police. Eventually, she was referred to attorneys Linda Coffee and Sarah Weddington. (McCorvey would give birth before the case was decided.)
In 1970, Coffee and Weddington filed suit in a U.S. District Court in Texas on behalf of McCorvey (under the alias Jane Roe). The defendant in the case was Dallas County District Attorney Henry Wade, representing the State of Texas. McCorvey was no longer claiming her pregnancy was the result of rape, and later acknowledged that she had lied about having been raped. "Rape" is not mentioned in the judicial opinions in this case.
The district court ruled in McCorvey's favor on the legal merits of her case, and declined to grant an injunction against the enforcement of the laws barring abortion. The district court's decision was based upon the 9th Amendment, and the court relied upon a concurring opinion by Justice Arthur Goldberg in the 1965 Supreme Court case of Griswold v. Connecticut, finding in the decision for a right to privacy.

Roe vs Wade is a LIE

Abortion is not fiction

If you are considering having an abortion, watch the movie Silent Scream. You can view it online on youtube. If you can watch that, and it is graphic, really analize the concept of what that baby (yes, it is a baby) is going through because you don't want to take responsability for your infidelity. People cringe at graphic pictures and video of an abortion... they don't want to see the blood and gore. But that blood and gore is an abortion. Some abortionists protest refusing to believe that bloody body parts are real. If you visit an abortion clinic they have a room for biohazardous wastes. What do you think that waste is?

“It was explained that medical waste is placed in red biohazard bags, then placed into boxes provided by Stericycle. Each fetus resulting from an abortion is placed into a hard plastic container and then into a red biohazard bag. The bag is then placed into a freezer, where it is stored. When Stericycle arrives to transport the medical waste, the individual fetuses are removed from the freezer and placed into another large red biohazard bag. The red biohazard bag containing the fetuses is placed into the medical waste box along with other medical waste generated at the facility that requires treatment. According to facility representatives and the medical waste manifest reviewed, it appears that Stericycle picks up the waste once per week.”

Abortion is aborting the fetus from the uterus. As you can see in the photo above you can tell that it is a baby. It has a head arms and legs..

If you paid attention in school. they teach you human biology. Its a lot less graphic in grade school but in highschool you know that the males sperm has to enter the females egg in order for conception.

Definition of CONCEPTION

a (1): the process of becoming pregnant involving fertilization or implantation or both 
 (2): embryo, fetus
The result of conception is being pregnant. Just because you can't see what it looks like doesn't mean it doesn't have value.
Abortion is killing. Taking the life of a human being that is growing inside you. No matter how you look at it or what you call that baby, it is a human life with a heart beat and mind. That baby is wondering who its parents are? What kind of mom is she going to be? What kind of childhood and upbringing they will have? They are listening to hear their mothers voice. Abortion is murder. It is never okay to take a babies life.